Tranquil Thai Massage
Best Massage therapy in Costa Mesa
  • 675 Paularino Ave #B Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 549-9911

Enjoy The Benefits Of Sports Massages

Posted on February 21, 2022
February 21, 2022

Enjoy The Benefits Of Sports Massages

Ever feel so tired, after a long day, that all you could wish for is to lie down and receive a gentle, comforting massage? Massages are really so refreshing! 

A massage generally means the act of pressing, rubbing, and manipulating your skin, muscles, and other parts of the body, such as tendons and ligaments. There are various types of massages, and sports massage is one of them.

What is a sports massage?

A sports massage usually involves a fast-paced massaging technique that helps warm up and relax your body to be ready for an intense workout. This can be considered a complete therapy to relieve muscle stress by enabling compressions, slapping, cupping, and rubbing techniques to create longitudinal and latitudinal friction.

Benefits of massage therapy

Sports massage comes with many benefits. Here are a few of them.

  • Relief from pain

People engaging in sports activities in their day-to-day lives are highly susceptible to injuries that may lead to muscle damage. Muscle aches are also common during exercise. Sports massage Costa Mesa can help relieve and reduce pain, especially in inflammatory parts. These massages can boost blood circulation and speed up the healing process.

  • Increased range of motion (ROM)

Logging the miles doesn’t necessarily make a person a better or speedier runner. Athletes and runners need to increase their range of motion too. Sports massage Costa Mesa can ensure to lift their knees slightly higher with each stride to improve their overall performance and flexibility.

  • Increased body awareness

If you are capable of understanding your body, you can determine when you need to rest and when you need to run. You can also ascertain your muscle use. Muscles can generally tighten and shorten when you are engaged in a physical activity, such as jogging or running. A luxury massage at Costa Mesa can help you relax and release these overworked muscles.

  • Psychological effects

Luxury massages at Costa Mesa can have a direct effect on your cardiovascular system as they are effective in dilating blood vessels and promoting blood circulation. This can, in turn, relieve muscle tension and reduce soreness. Moreover, endorphins are released during massages that can help boost your overall mood and sense of wellbeing.

  • Prevention of disorders

Massages can help reduce the risks of several health disorders such as anxiety, indigestion, gastric problems, headaches, insomnia resulting from stress, and pain in various parts of the body.

  • Reduction of cramps

Regular exercise and sports activities can also result in muscle cramps at times. Muscle cramps and spasms can pop up any time you are engaged in such activities, but massages can make sure that their frequency is reduced to a certain extent by eliminating the build-up of lactic and uric acids in your body.
At Tranquil Thai Massage, we offer you a massage schedule that can seamlessly fit your busy lifestyle. Feel free to visit our website and reach out to us to enjoy a relaxing and healing massage whenever needed.


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