Tranquil Thai Massage
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How to Recognize & Manage Stress

Posted on July 15, 2021
July 15, 2021

How to Recognize & Manage Stress

Stress is the normal physical response to events that make the human mind feel threatened in some way. It affects us all and you may notice symptoms ebb and flow on a daily basis. Most of us are used to stress, that we may not recognize it until it’s too late. Stress is everywhere, and while some stress may not affect you too much, others can have enormous impact on your health and wellness. As humans, we each respond to stress differently, some turn to grieve with tears, others yell, while others may just lie low. Stress, whichever way it appears, knowing its symptoms easily help us combat it. Here are a few ways to tell if you’re stressed:

Danny P.

Tranquilthai Westford

“There are many indicators that can signal stress in your life and body. Beyond those physical signs of sore and stiff muscles are many physiological and emotional indicators. One of the first is feeling rushed and not having time to get everything done. Waking up at night thinking or worrying about unfinished tasks. Feeling like you have more problems, accidents and things going wrong in your life. You find yourself having no patience with coworkers or family. You find it hard to let go of frustrations. There are also other physical problems such as aches, pains, headaches, insomnia, high blood pressure and fatigue.”

Mandi P.

Tranquilthai Glendale

“Stress can manifest in many different ways. Our mental health, as well as our physical health, can deteriorate from chronic stress patterns. Some of the minor complaints of stress include the inability to focus, trouble sleeping and muscle fatigue, leading to worse symptoms such as extreme weight gain or loss, anxiety or depression if the stress isn’t managed.”

Brittney P.

Tranquilthai Centennial

“Signs of stress are different for everyone but some general ones are headaches, tension, gastrointestinal issues, teeth clenching or grinding, body tension, emotional changes, fatigue, loss of interest, and being scatter-brained.”

Now that you know the common signs of stress, it’s important to know how to combat it. Here are a few ways you can help manage and reduce your stress levels:

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and nicotine: Reduce your consumption and make a few substitutions. Swap caffeine for herbal teas or fruit juices. And, be sure you reduce your intake of refined sugars.
  • Get moving: Physical exercise does not only improve your quality of sleep, but it can also improve your mood. It can be as simple as taking a walk outside. No matter what, try to incorporate some physical activity into your day-to-day routine.
  • Get more sleep and practice relaxation: Massage therapy is a great way to reduce pain, stress and anxiety. By promoting relaxation, massage can also help improve your sleep. To book a massage, find a location.
  • Talk to someone: Talking to someone about how you feel can be extremely helpful. You can release tension and find help on how to cope with a stress-filled day.

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